Club Industriel

Welcome to the ENSA Agadir Industrial Club!

The Industrial Club is a vibrant and dynamic community dedicated to the industrious minds of our engineering students. At the heart of ENSA Agadir, we're all about fostering innovation and professional growth in the field of industrial engineering.

What We Do:

Training & Workshops:

We provide valuable training sessions and hands-on workshops that equip our members with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the industrial engineering realm.


Webinars & Guest Speakers:

Our club hosts insightful webinars and invites industry experts to share their experiences and insights, offering valuable perspectives for aspiring engineers.


Industry Visits:

We organize visits to leading companies and factories, giving our members a real-world look at industrial operations and practices.


Projects & Competitions:

Our club thrives on creativity and practical application. We engage in innovative projects and competitions, applying our learning to real challenges.



We're not just about work; we love to have fun too! Our events are a mix of social gatherings and professional networking, providing a well-rounded experience.
